How to improve the Fujifilm X-T1 autofocus

I get a lot of questions about that “red stuff” on my Fujifilm X-T1 buttons. It’s something called Sugru, and I wrote a blogpost about it last year. Since people are curious about how I got it to look so good, I made a video in this blogpost, so come on in…

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Fujifilm X-T1 workshop at Interfoto in Oslo

This Saturday I taught a Fujifilm workshop in Oslo for a bunch of curious and enthusiastic people. Some were eager enthusiasts, while some…

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Custom settings for the Fujifilm X-T1

On Fujifilm X cameras you can define your own custom settings. These quick settings affect how your JPG files turns out (they won’t affect the rawfiles). So if you’re looking for some how-to tips on settings for color or black & white images, then keep on reading…

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