Working on a new photobook!

For some time now I’ve been working on the concept and text for a new inspirational and how-to book on photography. Yesterday I took the first photos for the book in Rakkestad, Norway, with the very popular foodblogger Marit Røttingsnes Westlie, known as Fru Timian (Mrs Thyme). Without revealing too… 

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Nordic Vintage fashion editorial

This is the second time I was so lucky to photograph a fashion editorial with fabulous knitwear designer Linda Marveng, and we had a fabulous team with only the best on this photoshoot. We hoped for a sunny autumn day outside, but we got heavy rain and heavy grey skies instead. So we had to shoot everything…

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Fujifilm street fashion workshop

It’s always fun teaching photographic workshops, and this Saturday I taught a full day workshop for Fujifilm Nordic in Oslo. With me I had Torstein Bøe from Fujifilm Nordic, and the model Katarina W from Heartbreak/Pholk modeling agency. I hope we gave…


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I’m moving into this place!

When I started blogging about photography and photo related topics on Blogger some years ago, I started out with two blogs. One in norwegian, and one in english. After a couple of years, I merged those two into one, mainly with photography posts in norwegian. But what can I say, I love both languages. So I’ve decided to go back to two blogs, and I’m moving into this place, WordPress!

All existing posts will stay in the two blogger blogs, but some might be copied over to this place and updated. So hope you’ll enjoy new posts and stories here, mainly about photography related topics, but I might surprise you and throw in something completely different from time to time.
